Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Jardim das Oliveiras / August 2015

I am very happy to say that I visited Jardim das Oliveiras in Belem, Brazil, on behalf of Child of Brazil last August.

Since the first minute I arrived there I felt very welcome. I met lovely people that work there and the children in their normal activities during the day.

I could perceive that everything is really well kept. The building is lovely and all surrounded by trees which helps the place to be cool as the temperature there is so high all year long. That makes a comfortable environment for everybody.

During our tour there I saw craft, ballet and music lessons and a lecture for mums and mums to be about taking care of their own bodies and babies. Children in compulsory education were also having their activities. They spend the day as in a crèche system, from 9am to 4pm. They play, eat and have a nap before going back to their mums and dads.

The infrastructure of the institution is amazing. They have classrooms, clinic rooms, toys room, computer lab, lectures hall, office rooms, pantry, and a big kitchen.

I will never forget the little smiley faces of those happy children being respected and valued in all areas of their development: physical; communication and language; intellectual and cognitive; social, emotional, behavioural and moral.

Thank you Jardim das Oliveiras for taking care of our Belem lovely flowers, our children (and their families)!

I hope to see you all again soon. :)

Nivea Ramos

Sorting out donations / Cidadania em acao

The donations to people in need in this humanitarian crisis started to be sorted out. We are very happy to meet so many kind people. Thank you Louise, Monica, Anne, Hannah and Kim for the opportunity to be there with you to help in this beautiful gesture. See you soon! :)

As doacoes aos nossos amigos mergulhados nesta crise humanitaria estao sendo organizadas para serem enviadas o mais breve possivel. Estamos muito felizes em conhecer pessoas tao generosas.Obrigada Louise, Monica, Anne, Hannah e Kim pela oportunidade de ajudar neste gesto tao bonito. Ate breve! :)

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Humanitarian crisis

We are getting ready to help out in this humanitarian crisis. Child of Brazil will share donations of clothes, shoes and soft toys with people in need. We will take donations to the Tivoli in Buckley as a group of people is organising them to be taken to Calais. The Tivoli will be a drop off point from 11am to 4pm Monday 7th to Friday 10th.

Estamos nos preparando para ajudar pessoas nesta crise humanitaria. Child of Brazil vai repassar algumas roupas, sapatos e brinquedos que nos foram doados para nossos irmaos sirios. As doacoes serao levadas a Calais. Esta nao e uma crise na Siria e um problema global. Onde estao as Nacoes Unidas? Algo tem que ser feito com urgencia. Enquanto isso vamos fazer o que estiver ao nosso alcance, mesmo que seja uma gota no oceano, vamos ajudar.