Saturday, 20 August 2016

Arraia Child of Brazil
St. Matthew's Church Hall

Our party to celebrate Brazilian culture and raise funds to our charity was a success!
We had a great time with friends from our community in Buckley and from places like Manchester, Nantwich and Liverpool. Thank you so much for all of your support.
We tried our best to have a party like the ones we have in June in Brazil, with games like pescaria (huck a duck/ fishing) and entertainment for kids and grown ups. We had lots of delicious food, including coxinha (chicken croquettes), pao de queijo (cheese bread) and bolo de milho (corn cake) Yum yum! We had our traditional quadrilha dance. It was GREAT fun.
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to our sponsors/prize donors: St. Matthew's Church, Tesco, Macro, Bevans, Fayre & Square pubs/restaurants, Grade One barbers, Button Moon Frames and to all our lovely, helpful, marvelous friends that helpd us before, during and after the party with their hard work so we could have the best time ever.
For more photos, please have a look at our Facebook page.