Thursday, 3 November 2016


Ola a todos! Estivemos sem noticias por um longo tempo, mas aqui estamos novamente. Estamos em processo de registro do nosso grupo de caridade chamado Child of Brazil como CIC (community interest company) pois nao temos o minimo necessario para o registro com a Charity Commission que e de £5000 por ano.

Como somos um grupo muito pequeno com pessoas que, como todo mundo, tem outras responsabilidades (familia, trabalho, etc) precisamos de voluntarios que possam oferecer um pouco do seu precioso tempo para nos ajudar em diferentes atividades, como organizar doacoes e planejar nossos proximos eventos, como a festa junina para o proximo ano. Gostariamos de participar de um evento de natal em Buckley, mas uma pessoa so nao conseguira fazer tudo sozinha, entao voce gostaria de ajudar?

Nosso pequeno grupo e novo mas ja alcancou muito. Enviamos £1000 para familias carentes em Belem do Para no natal do ano passado e enviaremos a mesma quantia este ano. So enviamos ajuda uma vez por ano, pelo natal. Tudo o que fazemos e seguro e confiavel. Nosso grupo tem uma conta no banco HSBC com tres pessoas registradas para movimento da mesma. So podemos enviar dinheiro ao Brasil com autorizacao de todos. Tudo o que ganhamos ou perdemos (gastos) e registrado em nossa planilha contabil. Conhecemos de perto a instituicao que ajudamos e tambem estamos sempre de portas abertas a qualquer pessoa interessada em saber como gerenciamos nossas financas. E muito bom saber que nosso dinheiro esta sendo bem utilizado, de forma honesta.

Gostariamos de saber se ha alguem que, como nos, nao esquece suas raizes e principalmente nao esquece o sofrimento por que muitos passam em nosso pais. Se ha alguem que poderia doar um pouco do seu tempo para pelo menos nos conhecer ou ir alem e nos ajudar nesta tarefa abencoada, nos gostariamos de receber seu contato. Voce pode nos enviar o dia e horario que poderia nos encontrar? Nao temos o objetivo de se transformar em uma grande Charity, so queremos fazer a nossa parte como um beija-flor que tenta apagar um incendio na floresta. Nao vamos ter encontros frequentes, mas precisamos nos encontrar em algum momento e o lugar pode ser o que for melhor para a maioria dos voluntarios, mas precisamos caminhar como um time. Voce pode nos enviar um email com datas, horarios e lugares que seriam ideais para nosso encontro para:

Havera um evento de natal em Buckley no dia 10 de dezembro (sabado) de 11:00 as 15:30 e gostariamos de participar, mas precisamos de artesanato ou algum tipo de produto natalino para nossa mesa. Ha alguem com uma boa ideia do que podemos fazer? Ha alguem que trabalhe com artezanato e que gostaria de fazer a publicidade do seu produto e ao mesmo tempo nos ajudar com parte do resultado? O que acham? 

Do fundo do meu coracao, espero ouvir noticias de alguem que possa nos ajudar. Muito obrigada,
Nivea Ramos.

Charity meeting

Hi everybody! It's been a long time with no news for you, but here we are. We are in the process of registering our charity Child of Brazil as a CIC (community interest company) as we are not able to raise the minimum amount of money (£5000 per year) to register as a charity with the Charity Commission.

As a small group of people that, as everybody else, has other responsibilities (jobs, family, etc) we really need volunteers that want to offer some of their time to help us in different activities, like sorting out donations and planning our next fundraising events. I would like to participate in a Christmas party in our community, but only one person will not be able to do everything on her own, so would you like to help?

Our small charity is quite new but has achieved a lot. We sent £1000 for poor families in Brazil for Christmas last year and will do it again this year. Everything is done in a secure way. We know the Institution we are helping out there is genuine and we are also always welcoming people that would like to know about our finances. I am glad to be a volunteer for something that we can rely on as honest.

We would like to know if anyone would like to meet us sometime this year to help this small charity to reach its goals. If you are interested in helping us helping families in need in Brazil we would like to hear from you. Could you send us when would be the best day and time you could meet us? We won't have meetings every month, but we need to meet you sometime so we can work as a group/team. You can email:

There will be a Christmas craft event in Buckley and we would like to participate but we would need to have Christmas things in our stall. Is there anybody there that has an idea of what we could do. Is there anybody that works with crafts and would like to advertise their business with our charity?
Hope to hear from you guys. Many thanks,
Nivea Ramos.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Arraia Child of Brazil
St. Matthew's Church Hall

Our party to celebrate Brazilian culture and raise funds to our charity was a success!
We had a great time with friends from our community in Buckley and from places like Manchester, Nantwich and Liverpool. Thank you so much for all of your support.
We tried our best to have a party like the ones we have in June in Brazil, with games like pescaria (huck a duck/ fishing) and entertainment for kids and grown ups. We had lots of delicious food, including coxinha (chicken croquettes), pao de queijo (cheese bread) and bolo de milho (corn cake) Yum yum! We had our traditional quadrilha dance. It was GREAT fun.
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to our sponsors/prize donors: St. Matthew's Church, Tesco, Macro, Bevans, Fayre & Square pubs/restaurants, Grade One barbers, Button Moon Frames and to all our lovely, helpful, marvelous friends that helpd us before, during and after the party with their hard work so we could have the best time ever.
For more photos, please have a look at our Facebook page.


Monday, 27 June 2016

Arraia Child of Brazil
Family Fun Day

St. Mathew's Church Hall, Buckley

 Come to our party to celebrate Brazilian culture and help our charity Child of Brazil. We will have lovely food, drinks, music and dance. Come and enjoy our games (bingo, raffle prizes, tombola, huck a duck and lots more). Join us in our "quadrilha" dance. We will also have a space for your donations of unwanted goods (clothes, toys, books etc) for our car boot sale events. Let's have fun!

Adults: £4
Kids: free
 Your ticket includes one ticket for food and one for a drink.

Food: cakes, hot dogs, corn on the cob, toffee apples, pop corn and lots more.
Brazilian food: bolo de milho, tapioca e macaxeira, canjica, cus cus, coxinha, mingau de milho (munguza) e arroz doce.

Drinks: coffee, tea, juices, soft drinks and caipirinha.

Games: bingo, tombola, huck a duck, rafflle prizes and much more.

Dess code: "caipira" - checkered shirts and jeans (cowboy style if possible) :) Kids can dress up in their favourite fancy dress up or just casual.

Dance: Have a taste of our quadrilha dance and forro music.

Here you find some information about June parties. I know the party will be in August, but as we are not in Brasil this is only a way of feeling back home again for some hours :)

Festa Junina

The Brazilian Festa Junina, which dates back to Portuguese colonisation, commemorates Saint Anthony, Saint John and Saint Peter and marks the end of summer and the beginning of the harvest.
Festa Junina is the term used to describe the traditional festivities that happen at the beginning of the Brazilian winter in June. It is a month to commemorate some of the most famous saints for Catholics; namely Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Peter. It is also a month to honour rain, the harvest season and marital union. Those attending will be treated to delicious and typical food, will dress up like farmers, enjoy bonfires and dance the quadrilha. After Carnival, it is the second most important popular celebration in Brazilian culture.

The Origins

Festa Junina’s origins date back to Portuguese colonisation, and the holiday has developed over time to incorporate Brazilian cultural elements. The culture of indigenous populations, Afro-Brazilians and European immigrants has all influenced how the festivities are held in different regions in Brazil. Starting in the countryside at first where most religious people lived and where they relied more on rain for their agriculture, the festivities quickly spread to larger cities all around the country. Every region has its own way of celebrating, but the most impressive festivities and dances take place in the North East.

Typical Cuisine

As June is the month when corn crops are harvested, the majority of sweet and savoury snacks and cakes are made of corn. A few popular examples include pamonha, canjica, corn on the cob and corn cakes. In addition, rice pudding, the Brazilian version of mulled wine, sweet potatoes and much more are also included on the Festa Junina menu.

Typical Dances

Quadrilha folk dances are a vital component of  Festa Junina. Dances involve up to 30, colourfully dressed performers, while a chosen ‘bride and groom’ act as the centre of the spectacle. Inspiration is taken from the 17th century French quadrilles, a type of traditional square dance, while the Brazilian adaptations are considerably more complex. Before the actual dance starts, a theatre performance tells the story of a single man who is pressured into marrying a girl that is carrying his child. Everyone participates by singing traditional songs, including the lovers’ families, the police, the priests and everyone who comes from their ‘village’. Vibrant and highly convivial, these jovial dances are without a doubt the highlight of the Festa Junina. Every year, national, regional and local quadrilha dance competitions are held all around the country.

Traditional Clothing

The typical clothes worn at the Festa Junina are inspired by vintage rural fashion as the themes of harvest and rain are central to the festivities. Young men wear the beard or the moustache, and short trousers with braces, while women put their hair up in ponytails, wear checkered dresses and freckles.

In the Northeast of Brazil

Even though the festivities are held all around the country, it is in the Northeast that they are the most popular and impressive. The month of June is a time in which people give thanks to the three catholic saints: Santo Antônio on the 13th, São João on the 24th and São Pedro on the 29th. As droughts are a serious issue in the region, ‘nordestinos’ celebrate the rain which is essential to their agriculture.
The biggest and most impressive Festa Junina celebrations happen in the state of Paraiba, in the city Campina Grande, and in the state of Pernambuco, in the city of Caruaru, each of which gather millions of visitors every year. The state of Bahia is quite famous too for its festivities; thousands of tourists flock there every year to attend the São João celebrations, with most of the visitors going to the ones in Porto Seguro.
Moreover, in the state of Maranhão, in São Luis but also in other cities, they celebrate the Festa Junina with different variations – known as ‘Sotaques’, or accents, by the locals – of the Bumba-meu-Boi. The Bumba-meu-Boi dance is performed by a colourful troupe of characters to distinctive music composed primarily by drum beats and brass instruments. The spectacular costumes and dances alone are worth the detour to Maranhão, and the echo of the music on the colonial streets makes the experience even more magical. Like the other Festa Junina folk dances, Bumba-meu-Boi also serve a narrative function. Performers tell the story of a slave who is left by a plantation owner to care for his bull which then dies and is later revived. A black velvet bull costume embellished with sequins and ribbon is worn by one of the dancers during the spectacle.

The Bonfire

The bonfire is also a traditional element expected at every Festa Junina. The ritual of gathering around a large flame derives from pagan tradition, as this custom is practiced to commemorate the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere each year. June can be a cold month, especially in the South, and by congregating around the warmth of the fire the festival’s focus on community building is further emphasised.

Come and have fun!


Sunday, 1 May 2016

Tesco Car boot sale
Today our whole family spent our Sunday morning doing a car boot sale at Tesco Chester. We had our Brazilian flag up (never for sale), Brazil/UK and Child of Brazil shirts on and our Jardim das Oliveiras banner on display (donated to us by Jardim das Oliveiras). Although we don't get a lot of money on these events we still persevere in order to help children and their families out in Brazil. We want to say a big THANK YOU to our supporters that keep donating goods for us to sell. We Also welcome anybody that wants to participate going to a fundraising event with us. We also have money bottles available to the ones that don't mind putting some coins in it until Christmas time. We will never give up! Many Thanks!:) xxx

Hoje nossa familia passou a manha de domingo em um bazar no supermercado Tesco em Chester. Nos tivemos nossa bandeira do Brasil (nunca a venda) e vestimos camisas do nosso grupo Child of Brazil e com as bandeiras do Brasil e do Reino Unido juntas. Tambem levamos nosso banner do Jardim das Oliveiras (doado pelo Jardim). Embora nao consigamos muito nesses eventos ainda perseveramos para ajudar criancas e suas familias no Brasil. Queremos dar um enorme OBRIGADO a todos os nossos colaboradores. Nos tambem recebemos de bracos abertos a todos que queiram participar de nossos eventos. Tambem temos cofrinhos disponiveis aqueles que puderem juntas algumas moedas ate o Natal. Nunca desistimos! Muito obrigado!xxx