Thursday, 3 November 2016

Charity meeting

Hi everybody! It's been a long time with no news for you, but here we are. We are in the process of registering our charity Child of Brazil as a CIC (community interest company) as we are not able to raise the minimum amount of money (£5000 per year) to register as a charity with the Charity Commission.

As a small group of people that, as everybody else, has other responsibilities (jobs, family, etc) we really need volunteers that want to offer some of their time to help us in different activities, like sorting out donations and planning our next fundraising events. I would like to participate in a Christmas party in our community, but only one person will not be able to do everything on her own, so would you like to help?

Our small charity is quite new but has achieved a lot. We sent £1000 for poor families in Brazil for Christmas last year and will do it again this year. Everything is done in a secure way. We know the Institution we are helping out there is genuine and we are also always welcoming people that would like to know about our finances. I am glad to be a volunteer for something that we can rely on as honest.

We would like to know if anyone would like to meet us sometime this year to help this small charity to reach its goals. If you are interested in helping us helping families in need in Brazil we would like to hear from you. Could you send us when would be the best day and time you could meet us? We won't have meetings every month, but we need to meet you sometime so we can work as a group/team. You can email:

There will be a Christmas craft event in Buckley and we would like to participate but we would need to have Christmas things in our stall. Is there anybody there that has an idea of what we could do. Is there anybody that works with crafts and would like to advertise their business with our charity?
Hope to hear from you guys. Many thanks,
Nivea Ramos.

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